
Your reference, note that the rules and regulations contained in this agreement can not be used against the "MzadQatar," but due to it such as the Convention governing the relationship between all relevant parties, note that any ambiguity in a regulation or a misunderstanding can not be refuted in a negative impact on the interest of any of the parties. Can not resort to any regulations or laws other than regulations and laws set forth by the "MzadQatar," below, but the event occurred Executive Director of the company confirms its commitment to the regulations and other laws, note that any agreement is signed by the authorized official, either verbally or in writing, not necessary to "MzadQatar" any responsibilities or legal obligations. Recommend "MzadQatar," all participants and members to read the regulations and laws governing its relationship with its customers, since customers are to continue the registration process, including approval of all of the Provisions of the regulations of the laws of nature proceed with the relationship between the parties.

All bidders must have MzadQatar Apps updated regularly and make sure to have the latest version of MzadQatar Apps before bidding, MzadQatar is not responsible of missing any information or any changes at the services because you didn’t update the Apps.

All transactions will be conducted in Qatari Ryals (QAR). MzadQatar is not liable for any loss due to conversion between currencies and/or loss due to bank transfers between differing currencies.
MzadQatar shall not guarantee the registration of the classic cars.

The security deposit shall be refunded as per the registration name. In case the funds have been transferred by a different person or entity the refund will be issued to the source account. All refunds will be processed by account payee cheque or bank transfer.

The lot will be registered only for the account owner.
All items shall be sold, as is, in their location. MzadQatar does not guarantee any of the declarations, specifications, information and/or particulars provided by the supplier, including but not limited to (accuracy of the Odometer , ownership guarantees , information included in the enclosed examination report , vehicle or equipment state , year of manufacture , vehicle or equipment exportability). The bidder is responsible for checking all data, advertisements and information related to the state of the item, before bidding
You shall be required to activate and collect your Package within 7 days after the auction ends. Otherwise, MzadQatar cannot guarantee the availability of same package.
All Bidders must check the package to be purchased well and make sure to match the specifications presented by the Bid All the bidders must check and inspect the cars before bidding

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The sale is subject to the approval of the supplier, and the sale procedures may be cancelled before the transfer of ownership is completed.
Those wishing to participate in the auctions must deposit a security deposit of the Bid Limit value is required.

Undertake to complete the payment process if you buy any plate or vehicle in the event you breach this insurance will be confiscated and legal action to abstain from payment.
Each is willing to purchase through our website to register its data and choose a user name and password of its own so that he can use the services of the site or app.
User can raise the value of the auction to bid on vehicles offered for sale through the app or website, taking into account the value of not less than the minimum bid.
Full security deposit will be deducted in case if violation MzadQatar Terms and conditions or in case the client did not paid for the items he won in the auction.
Members can own an unlimited number of vehicles offered in the auction
Back the right to use all of the names, trademarks, names and service marks, names, logos and Collectibles images to the owners of the site alone.
Provision of this document all aspects of the Registration Convention concluded between the various parties

Undertake as a member of the site to abide by the instructions below when using the Site or App on "MzadQatar": do not violate any laws or any rights or agreements of the parties. Do not use the site if it does not have the legal authority to bid, or if not attained the age of 18, or if you were banned from use of the Site, whether temporary or definitive basis. Complete the process of paying the value of the packages that you have purchased. Not be manipulated with respect to the price of the auction or regulations, the obligation not to circumvent the conduct of auctions. Not to be false or incorrect or misleading or that would challenge or discredit any of the parties. Not to give your user name to "MzadQatar" for any of the parties without prior permission. Not disturb the site visitors to send materials that inconvenience or damage or spy on any of the parties. Do not send any messages or materials fabricated in the words of " MzadQatar."

Have the "MzadQatar," the right to determine or to suspend or terminate any of the services provided by the site, and may prevent users from entering the site or remove any material published on it, or take action electronic or legal to prevent users from entering the site without warning, and that if administration found "MzadQatar," the need to take any of the procedures listed above for any reason, note that the company has the right to cancel accounts is active or inactive accounts when needed.

The right of the "MzadQatar" change fees for services provided by the site temporarily, for promotional reasons, or when new services.
Undertake as a user of the site not to use the robot, spider, scraper or other automated means to access the robot exclusion headers contained in the site without prior permission for any reason.

In addition to the above, undertake not to:
Any activity that would adversely affect the infrastructure of the site or app. Influence or attempt to influence the functionality of the Site or any activity of its activities. Prevent site users to access, process, or to limit access to a particular class in any way.
You can send complaints via e-mail to the address support@mzadqatar.